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Zero Balancing


What is Zero Balancing?

Zero Balancing (ZB) is an innovative body-mind therapy that facilitates well-being and good health. ZB is non-diagnostic and holistic, and practised whilst the client is fully clothed. It is able to produce a profound effect on our bodies, our energy flows, and our state of mind. 


ZB works with the whole body from head to feet, using simple acupressure and light stretches to invite the release of tension held in the deepest parts of the body. The focus is mainly on bones and joints and by working consciously with both the physical structure of the body, as well as its energy, ZB gives an experience that is unique. Its effects are far reaching, helping change the course of many lives for the better and is truly a joy to experience. 






How is Zero Balancing different?

Unlike Osteopathic and Chiropractic work which also work with the skeleton, ZB doesn't incorporate any sudden movements or manipulations in a bid to get the body in a 'perfect' position. A session will simply offer suggestions to the body and work in

co-operation with it, which can often result in long lasting change. 


It is also different because ZB embraces both Eastern and Western concepts as complementary viewpoints  which are both valid in their own right. A Zero balancer, therefore​, learns how to work with the vital energy which governs the bodies wellbeing, as well as the bones and joints. 


Who is Zero Balancing for?

ZB truly is for everyone. Contemporary life is fast paced and often stressful. It can sometimes be overwhelming, leading to decline in our vitality and our ability to adapt to change. ZB is a therapeutic tool and many people use regular sessions for self care and to reduce stress.


Because it is so gentle and respectful, ZB is beneficial for a wide range of people and effective in many ways. It is a bodywork genuinely suited for the lives we live now.  






HTZB Harry Theaker Logo

Welcoming diversity 

Accessible & inclusive 

Respecting difference

Acknowledging sameness

Embracing human potential

Living happier healthier lives

Elders - LGBTQ+ - Everyone


Harry Theaker Zero Balancing

The Practice Rooms Sheffield

5 Broomfield rd
S10 2SE

Woodlands Natural Health Derby
Woodland Rd
DE22 1GR

The Practice Rooms Leeds

45a Park Square





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